Sunday, July 02, 2006

A hole in time

I`ve been terribly slack in posting recently, I do apologise. I don`t know where the time goes. I think this is one of those signs that you`re either getting old or are crap at time management.
So to sum up: Japan crashed out of the World Cup but it was fun watching them do so and even better chatting to strangers on the train home who loved us because we were covered in Japan stickers.
Japanese lessons continue much the same, slowly, but they give me the confidence to try out bad Japanese on my poor collegues and Japanese friends. Many conversations go like this.
"Watashi wa... chotto matte kudasai... wa, wa... nandake? yopparai des."
(Loosely translated: I am... hang on a minute... am, am... what`s the word? Drunk.")
But I`m getting better. I managed to say `last year I worked in Thailand, and my friend was very good at Thai because she spoke to people every day. I am not good at Thai because I am lazy,` and felt very proud, even though it took me about 5 minutes and three attempts to get there.

I went for dinner last Friday with my poor, long-suffering language exchange friend Yukie and two of her collegues. It was great to meet more Japanese people I have the chance to talk to in Japanese with. Of course I talk to Japanese people every day, it`s just a shame I`m only allowed to talk in English to them during lessons. We discovered that Yukie`s work is pretty close to my house, so I`m going to make them lunch sometime soon. Is it weird to be slightly nervous about that?

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