Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Entropy gets us all in the end

On Sunday I had a fun evening with Iain in Inuyama, listening to music, messing around, drinking beer and eating food at the Hakkenden across the road.
On Tuesday night Iain texted `I want to talk`. Nothing good ever comes from Talking. I didn`t sleep all night. Sure enough, this morning he came to my house and broke up with me. This is not what I wanted. No opportunity to fix things, no chance to make it better. It was weird, miserable but we were still making each other laugh at stupid things.
Jo came over, helped me with a bottle of wine and some chocolate and then we went on a weird drunk sleep-deprived shopping binge. The results are pleasing. Maybe I should shop like this more often. Donna and Pip, my new flatmates (more on them later - this has wrecked my blogging priorities), have plans to keep me busy for the whole of this week. I`m glad I have people around to help me out, to stop me missing Iain and wondering where the spark went.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry I didn't get your email until about twenty minutes ago and am unable to contact you by phone! Why are you always having crisises when I am half-way around the world and can do fuck all? Anyway, love you to bits and miss you so much. I'm sending you virtual ice-cream, getting you virtually drunk and taking you out for dinner. Email me your home phone number (with direct dialling code) and I'll call... I'm home in Dublin at the moment. Or I emailed you the number of my parents house... it's just me, Grainne and Karen here so call whatever time... I'll sleep with the phone by my head so you can wake me up if you want. Geez this comment is longer than the post. Love you, virtual boobs to sob on. xxxxxLisa