Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Travelling at breakneck speed: part 3

Tuesday 24th October.
Back on the bus, down the funicular, down the switchback, down the local trainline, all the way out to Osaka then out to Himeji. Through the train window I watch bits of Osaka flash between the towerblocks. I've been here twice and liked it a lot, it's a good city to hang out in. I think it would be a good place to live.
Himeji castle is every bit as impressive as the photos look. It's enormous. On the way in I see a souvenir shop and say, "a cheap crap shop! Let's look at the cheap crap!" and a passing Japanese guy smiles to himself.
I kind of wish they would put stuff in Japanese castles, they're awful bare on the inside.
After we tour the castle, we head back to Nagoya. Bed calls.

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