Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The problem with saturdays

In some ways I like my work routine. Friday is a half day, Saturday and Sunday go by quickly because we're so busy, Monday is quite relaxing because I have the place to myself, and then there's just Tuesday to deal with before it's my weekend. Saturday and Sunday are hard-going because they start at 10, and the rest of the week I don't start work before 1. Unfortunately, Nagoya goes out on Friday and Saturday night, and though it's fun going out on other nights of the week, The occasional big Saturday is ace.
  This Saturday I'm promising myself a quiet night in. Two weeks ago was a house party I swore I would leave at 1 am, but anyone who knows me knows that my uttering the fateful words "I'll be home early" means something will mess up my goody-goody plans. Quarter to one and someone produces a guitar and a decent guitarist and the next thing I know its 2 am and my good intentions are wrecked.
Same again last weekend. I went out salsa dancing and again promised I would be leave at 1. I love dancing and the place was just getting going at 1, I couldn't leave then... and the barman was being very generous with his measures. I watched him pour one and realised I was getting triples. And probably more tipsy than was a good idea on a Saturday night. I reluctantly went home at 2.30, but only because I thought I was going to be hungover. Turns out I was right.
I'm now on day 8 of socialising but the appeal is starting to wear thin. I think I may be a hermit this week.

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